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戦略的基礎研究推進事業 平成7年度採択研究課題 研究終了報告  733-747
篠田 義一

(1) 論文発表(国内28件, 海外85件)
(2) 口頭発表(国内98件, 海外72件)
(1) 論文発表 (国内 8件, 海外23件)
1) Muto N, Kakei S, and Shinoda Y: Morphology of single axons of tectospinal neurons in the upper cervical spinal cord. J. Comparative Neurology, 372, 9-26 (1996)
2) Sugihara I, Wu H, and Shinoda Y: Morphology of axon collaterals of single climbing fibers in the deep cerebellar nuclei of the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 217, 33-36 (1996)
3) Shinoda Y, Sugiuchi Y, Futami T, Kakei S, Izawa Y, and Na J: Four convergent patterns of input from the six semicircular canals to motoneurons of different neck muscles in the upper cervical cord. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 781, 264-275 (1996)
4) Sato F, Nakamura Y, and Shinoda Y: Three-dimensional analysis of cerebellar terminals and their postsynaptic components in the ventral lateral nucleus of the cat thalamus. J. Comparative Neurol., 371, 537-551 (1996)
5) Shinoda Y, Kakei S, and Muto N: Morphology of single axons of tectospinal and reticulospinal neurons in the upper cervical spinal cord, Prog. Brain Res., 112, 71-84 (1996)
6) Kakei S, Futami T, and Shinoda Y: Projection pattern of single corticocortical fibers from the parietal cortex to the motor cortex. Neuroreport, 7, 2369-2372 (1996)
7) W. Graf, E. Keshner, F.J.R. Richmond, Y. Shinoda, K. Statler, and Uchino, Y: How to construct and move a cat’s neck, J. Vestibul. Res., 7, 219-237 (1997)
8) Shinoda Y, Sugiuchi Y, Futami T, Ando N, and Yagi J: Input patterns and pathways from the six semicircular canals to motoneurons of neck muscles. II. The longissimus and semispinalis muscle groups. J. Neurophysiol., 77, 1234-1248 (1997)
9) Shinoda Y, Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y and Futami T: Functional significance of excitatory projections from the precerebellar nuclei to interpositus and dentate neurons for mediating motor, premotor and parietal cortical inputs. Prog. Brain Res., 114, 193-207 (1997)
10) Na J, Kakei S, and Shinoda Y: Cerebellar input to corticothalamic neurons in layers V and VI in the motor cortex. Neurosci. Res., 28, 77-91 (1997)
11) Sato F, Nakamura Y, and Shinoda Y: Serial electron microscopic reconstruction of axon terminals on physiologically identified thalamocortical neurons in the cat ventral lateral nucleus. J. Comparative Neurol., 388, 613-631 (1997)
12) Kaga K, Shinoda Y, and Suzuki J.-I: Origin of auditory brainstem responses in cats: Whole brainstem mapping, and a lesion and HRP study of the inferior colliculus. Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh), 117, 197-201 (1997)
13) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, and Shinoda Y: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to motoneurons in the horizontal oculomotor system of the cat. J. Neurophysiol., 81, 2597-2611 (1999)
14) H.-S. Wu, I. Sugihara, and Y. Shinoda: Projection patterns of single mossy fibers originating from the lateral reticular nucleus in the rat cerebellar cortex and nuclei. J. Comparative Neurol., 411, 97-118 (1999)
15) Sugihara I, Wu H-S, and Shinoda Y: Morphology of single olibocerebellar axons labeled with biotinylated dextran amine in the rat, J. Comparative Neurol., 414, 131-148 (1999)
16) Shinoda, Y: Visualization of the entire trajectory of long axons of single mammalian CNS neurons. Brain Res. Bulletin, Special Issue, Elsevier, 50, 387-388 (1999)
17) Y. Shinoda, I. Sugihara, H.-S. Wu and Y. Sugiuchi: The entire trajectory of single climbing and mossy fibers in the cerebellar nuclei and cortex. Prog. Brain Res., 124, 173-186 (2000)
18) Kakei, S., Na, J. and Shinoda, Y.: Thalamic terminal morphology and distribution of single corticothalamic axons originating from layers 5 and 6 of the cat motor cortex. J. Comparative Neurol. 437, 170-185 (2001)
19) Sugihara I, Wu H-S, and Shinoda Y.: The entire trajectories of single olivocerebellar axons in the cerebellar cortex and their contribution to cerebellar compartmentalization. J. Neurosci. 21(2001)(ページ数は不明)
20) Kakei, S., Wannier, T. and Shinoda, Y: Input from the cerebellum and motor cortical areas to the parietal assosiation cortex. In: Parietal Lobe Contributions to Orientation in 3D Space, Eds: P. Thier and H.-O. Kamath. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, p.35-55 (1997)
21) Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y., and Shinoda, Y.: Last-order premotor neurons terminating on horizontal ocular motoneurons. In: The contributions of the vestibular system to oculo-motor, skeleto-motor and perceptual functions (eds. O. Pompeiano, and V. Wilson) University of Pisa, Pisa, Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 137(suppl.) (1999)
22) Izawa, Y., Sugiuchi, Y., and Shinoda, Y.: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to horizontal ocular motoneurons. In: The contributions of the vestibular system to oculo-motor, skeleto-motor and perceptual functions (eds. O. Pompeiano, and V. Wilson) University of Pisa, Pisa, Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 137(suppl.) (1999)
23) Shinoda, Y., Sugiuchi, Y., and Izawa, Y.: Functional synergies of neck muscles implemented by single vestibulocollic and reticulospinal neurons. In: The contributions of the vestibular system to oculo-motor, skeleto-motor and perceptual functions (eds. O. Pompeiano, and V. Wilson) University of Pisa, Pisa, Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 137(suppl.) 55 (1999)
24) 杉内友理子, 篠田義一: 運動制御にかかわる脊髄神経機構, (11) 体幹筋および上肢への前庭脊髄投射系, 脊椎脊髄ジャーナル, 9 (4), 302-307 (1996)
25) 杉内友理子, 篠田義一: 運動制御にかかわる脊髄神経機構, (12) 半規管から頸筋への入力, 脊椎脊髄ジャーナル, 9 (7), 529-537 (1996)
26) 篠田義一, 筧慎治, 杉内友理子, 伊澤佳子: 視線制御と頭部の運動の神経機構, 神経研究の進歩, 40 (3), 363-373 (1996)
27) 篠田義一, 筧慎治, 佐藤二美, 伊澤佳子, 那杰: 「視床の生理」, 定位脳手術, 金芳堂, 48-69 (1998)
28) 杉原泉: 「内耳有毛細胞」野村恭也·小松崎篤·本庄巌編, CLIENT21, 第8巻, 「めまい·平衡障害」, 東京·中山書店, pp72-80 (1999)
29) 杉内友理子: 「前庭脊髄系」野村恭也·小松崎篤·本庄巌編, CLIENT21, 第8巻, 「めまい·平衡障害」, 東京·中山書店, pp106-121 (1999)
30) 杉原泉,篠田義一: 登上線維系と苔状線維系の単一軸索の投射様式と小脳機能, 神経研究の進歩, 44 (5), 700-712 (2000)
31) 篠田義一: 運動制御のネットワーク中枢神経機構: -単一神経細胞の全貌-, 神経研究の進歩,44 (6), 906-913 (2000)
(2) 口頭発表
1) 招待, 口頭講演 (国内34件, 海外28件)
32) Shinoda Y: Neural organization of the vestibulo-collic system, 19th Meeting of the Barany Society, Sydney, Aug. 7-11, 1996
33) Shinoda Y: Vestibular control of head movements. The First Congress of the Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS) - First IBRO Regional Congress, Pattaya, Nov. 20-24, 1996
34) Shinoda Y: Neuronal implementation of functional synergies of neck muscles in head movement. 13th International Symposium; Multisensory Control of Posture and Gait. Paris, June 22-26, 1997
35) Sugiuchi Y: Four patterns of input from the six semicircular canals to neck motoneurons and their relationships to myological groups of neck muscles. 13th International Symposium; Multisensory Control of Posture and Gait. Paris, June 22-26, 1997
36) Izawa Y: Disynaptic pathways from the superior colliculus to neck and ocular motoneurons. 13th International Symposium; Multisensory Control of Posture and Gait. Paris, June 22-26, 1997
37) Shinoda Y: Neuronal implementation of functional synergies of neck muscles in head movement. “Symposium on Motor Control” 37th International Congress of Physiological Sciences IUPS 1997, St. Petersburg, June 30-July 5, 1997
38) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y & Shinoda Y: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to ocular motoneurons. COE 国際シンポジウム, 岡崎, March 23-26, 1997
39) Sugiuchi Y, Izawa Y & Shinoda Y: Patterns of input from the six semicircular canals to neck motoneurons and their relationships to myological groups of neck muscles. COE 国際シンポジウム, 岡崎, March 23-26, 1997
40) Shinoda Y: Vestibular control of neck movements. “Spinal cord function” Symposium. Arizona, Nov. 4-6, 1998
41) Shinoda Y: “Cerebellar modules: Molelules, Morphology and Function” The second Cerebellum Symposium in honor of Prof. J. Voogd. Rotterdam, Aug. 25-28, 1998
42) Shinoda Y, Sugiuchi Y & Kakei S: Functional synergies of neck muscles implemented by single vestibulocollic and reticulospinal neurons. Satellite Symposium to the XXth Meeting of the Bárány-Society. Freiburug, Sep. 9-11, 1998
43) Sugiuchi Y, Izawa Y & Shinoda Y: Last-order premotor neurons terminating on horizontal ocular motoneurons. Satellite Symposium to the XXth Meeting of the Barany-Society. Freiburug, Sep. 9-11, 1998
44) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y & Shinoda Y: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to horizontal ocular motoneurons. Satellite Symposium to the XXth Meeting of the Bárány-Society, Freiburug, Sep. 9-11, 1998
45) Shinoda, Y: Vestibular control of posture -Neural organization of the vestibulospinal system, “Vestibular Symposium” in honor of Prof. E. Sakata, Tokyo, April 4, 1998
46) Sugiuchi Y, Izawa Y & Shinoda Y: Last-order premotor neurons terminating on medial rectus motoneurons. The IVth International Symposium on the Head/Neck System. Tokyo, Aug. 23-25, 1999
47) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y & Shinoda Y: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to superior oblique motoneurons. The IVth International Symposium on the Head/Neck System. Tokyo, Aug. 23-25, 1999
48) Shinoda Y, Sugihara I, Wu H & Sugiuchi Y: The entire morphology of single climbing fibres and mossy fibers in the cerebellar cortex and nuclei. Symposium to “Space perception and movement execution”, Paris, June 25-26, 1999
49) Shinoda Y: “The neural control of gaze: Organization from the superior colliculus to ocular and neck motoneurons.” 2001 Okazaki COE International symposium “Higher Nervous Control of Posture and Locomotion: parallel and centralized control mechanisms” National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, March 18-21, 2001
50) Izawa Y, Suzuki I & Shinoda Y: Suppression of saccades by stimulation of the frontal eye field. Symposium on “Oculomotor system as a probe for integrative brain function”, 78th Japan Physiological Society Meeting, Kyoto, March 29, 2001
51) 篠田義一(特別講演)前庭脊髄系と姿勢制御, 第56回日本平衡神経科学総会学シンポジウム, 「姿勢制御の神経機構-基礎と臨床」, 松本, 10月30-31日(1997)
52) 篠田義一: 頭部運動制御の神経機構,戦略的基礎研究推進事業「脳を知る」シンポジウム「脳神経科学の最先端」, 11月17-18日, 東京(1997)
53) 篠田義一: 運動制御の中枢機構,第25回日本医学会総会, レクチャーシリーズ, 東京, 4月2日 (1999)
54) 篠田義一: 戦略的基礎研究「脳を知る」シンポジウム“脳神経科学の最先端 1999”小脳核への入力と小脳皮質への入力の空間的役割パターン, 名古屋, 12月2-4日 (1999)
55) 篠田義一: 「運動制御の神経回路」, 第35回 脳のシンポジウム, 札幌, 平成12年3月10-11日 (2000)
56) 篠田義一: 「運動制御の神経機構-単一細胞の全貌」, 第14回東北神経内科研究会, 仙台, 平成12年4月21日(2000)
57) 篠田義一: 「運動性視床の入·出力神経回路」, 第10回神経科学の基礎と臨床「視床」, 大阪, 平成12年12月9日(2000)
58) 杉内友理子: 「平衡神経系のSystems Neuroscience」, 第59回日本平衡神経科学会総会シンポジウム「前庭系研究の最前線」, 東京, 平成12年11月30日(2000)
2). 一般発表
1. (国際学会)
59) Sugiuchi Y, Izawa Y, Futami T, and Shinoda Y: Four patterns of inputs from the six semicircular canals to motoneurons of neck muscle. 19th Meeting of the Bárány Society, Sydney, Aug. 7-11 (1996)
60) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, and Shinoda Y: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to ocular motoneurons in the horizontal saccadic system. 19th Meeting of the Bárány Society, Sydney, Australia, Aug. 7-11 (1996)
61) Sugihara I, Wu H, and Shinoda Y: Reconstructions of single climbing fiber collaterals in the deep cerebellar nuclei of the rat. Soc Neurosci Abstr 22, 1631 (1996)
62) Sugiuchi Y, Futami T, Ando N, Shinoda Y: Myological classification of neck muscles and input patterns from six semicircular canal nerves to motoneurons of different muscle groups. Neurosci Res Suppl 20, S172, (1996)
63) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y: Interneurons mediating signals from the superior colliculus to horizontal ocular motoneurons. Neurosci Res Suppl 20, S171 (1996)
64) Sugihara I, Wu H, Shinoda Y: Novel cerebellar afferents to the cerebellar nuclei from the brain stem. Neurosci Res Suppl 20, S173 (1996)
65) Wu H, Sugihara I, Shinoda Y: Axonal reconstruction of single mossy fibers in the cerebellum originating from the lateral reticular nucleus. Neurosci Res Suppl 20, S173 (1996)
66) Sugiuchi Y, Izawa Y and Shinoda Y: Four patterns of input from the six semicircular canals to neck motoneurons and their relationships to myological groups of neck muscles. 37th International Congress of Physiological Sciences IUPS 1997, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 30-July 5 (1997)
67) Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, and Shinda Y: Neural organization from the superior colliculus to ocular motoneurons in the horizontal saccadic system. 37th International Congress of Physiological Sciences IUPS 1997, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 30-July 5 (1997)
68) Sugihara I, Wu H, and Shinoda Y: Projection of climbing fibers originating from single olivocerebellar neurons in the rat cerebellum. 27th Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, Oct. 26-30 23, Abstract (Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.) (part 2), 1830 (1997)
69) Sugihara I, Wu H,: Projection of climbing fibers originating from single olivocerebellar neurons in the rat cerebellar cortex. Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, Oct. 26-30 (1997)
70) Sugihara I, Wu H & Shinoda Y: Cerebellar nuclear projection of single axons of inferior olive neurons of the rat. Neuroscience Research Supplement 20 S189 (1997)
71) Shinoda Y: Vestibular control of neck movements. The International Conference on the Visual and/versus Vestibular System (1999)
72) Sugihara I, Wu H-S & Shinoda Y: Collateral projection of olivocerebellar axons studied by reconstructing single axons in the rat. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 25 (part 2), 1403 (1999)
73) Sugihara I, Wu H-S & Shinoda Y: Fine structures of reconstructed single olivocerebellar axons in the rat. Neurosci. Res. Suppl. 23, S196 (1999)
74) Kakei S, Hoffman DS & Strick PL: Muscle and movement representation in the primary motor cortex (M1). Soc. Neurosci. Abstract 25, 153. 16 (1999)
75) Sugihara I: “Cerebellar projection patterns of single climbing vs. mossy fibers.” 2001 Okazaki COE International symposium “Higher Nervous Control of Posture and Locomotion: parallel and centralized control mechanisms” National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, March 18-22 (2001)
2. (国内学会)
76) Sugihara I, Wu H-S & Shinoda Y: Strip-shaped organization of olivocerebellar projection revealed by reconstructing single axons underlies spatial organization of synchronous complex spike activities in the rat cerebellum. Jpn. J. Physiol. 49 Suppl., S163 (1999)
77) Suzue T & Shinoda Y: When and how does embryonic motility emerge during development? A general rule for the earliest behaviors of embryos. Neurosci. Res. Suppl. 23, S118 (1999)
78) Suzue T & Shinoda Y: Basis for the random and coordinated nature of mammalian embryonic movements at the early developmental stages of the motor systems. Jpn. J. Physiol. 49 Supple., S210 (1999)
79) 二見高弘, 伊澤佳子, 篠田義一, Jones EG: 脚内核と小脳核から視床VA-VL細胞への入力分布とその性質について, 第73回日本生理学会大会, 4月3-5日, 福井 (1996)
80) 筧慎治, 那杰, 篠田義一: 運動野の皮質-視床投射細胞: 小脳入力と視床への投射様式,第73回日本生理学会大会, 4月3-5日, 福井 (1996)
81) 那杰, 筧慎治, 篠田義一: 運動野の単一皮質-視床投射細胞の視床への投射様式, 第74回日本生理学会大会, 3月26-28日, 浜松(1997)
82) 杉原泉, 呉海松, 篠田義一: 単一登上線維の小脳核投射様式, 第20回日本神経科学大会, 7月16-18日, 仙台 (1997)
83) 伊澤佳子, 杉内友理子, 篠田義一: 上丘から垂直眼球運動ニューロンへ至る経路, 第20回日本神経科学大会, 7月16-18日, 仙台(1997)
84) 篠田義一: 多点同時記録及び刺激電極の問題点, 生理学研究所共同利用研究会, 「マルチニューロン活動と脳内情報処理」, 6月5-6日, 岡崎 (1997)
85) 杉内友理子, 筧慎治, 二見高広, 安藤直人, 篠田義一: 単一内側前庭脊髄路細胞の脊髄における軸索投射, 第56回日本平衡神経科学総会, 10月30-31日, 松本 (1997)
86) 杉内友理子: 水平系眼筋運動ニューロンに投射する最終介在ニューロンの分布, 第57回日本平衡神経科学会, 11月26-27日, 岐阜 (1998)
87) 杉原泉, 呉海松, 篠田義一: 再構築した下オリーブ小脳投射軸索の微細投射形態, 第22回日本神経科学大会, 7月6-8日, 大阪 (1999)
88) 伊澤佳子, 杉内友理子, 篠田義一: 上丘から垂直眼球運動ニューロンへ至る経路, 第58回日本平衡神経科学会, 11月25-26日, 横浜 (1999)
89) 杉内友理子, 伊澤佳子, 篠田義一: 内直筋運動ニューロンへの核上性入力, 第58回日本平衡神経科学会, 11月25-26日, 横浜 (1999)
90) 伊澤佳子: 戦略的基礎研究「脳を知る」シンポジウム“脳神経科学の最先端 1999”水平サッケード系の脳幹出力路, 12月2-4日, 名古屋 (1999)
91) 杉原泉: 戦略的基礎研究「脳を知る」シンポジウム“脳神経科学の最先端 1999”単一苔状及び登上線維の小脳における全体像, 12月2-4日, 名古屋 (1999)
92) 杉原泉, 呉海松, 篠田義一: 下オリーブ小脳皮質投射の空間的基本構築, 第23回日本神経科学大会, 第10回日本神経回路学会大会, 9月4_6日, 横浜(2000)
93) 鈴江俊彦, 篠田義一: 哺乳類胎仔の初期自発運動における両側の運動の相関性の解析, 第23回日本神経科学大会, 第10回日本神経回路学会大会, 9月4_6日, 横浜 (2000)
94) 那杰, 杉内友理子, 伊澤佳子, 篠田義一: 上丘から入力をうける抑制性バースト細胞の軸索投射様式とその作用, 第78回日本生理学会大会, 3月30日, 京都 (2001)
(1) 論文発表 (国内 5件, 海外19件)
1) Fukushima K, Fukushima J. Chin S, Tsunekawa H, Kaneko CRS: Cross axis vestibulo-oular reflex induced by pursuit training in alert monkeys. Neurosci. Res., 25, 255-265 (1996)
2) Fukushima K, Tanaka M, Suzuki Y, Fukushima J, Yoshida T: Adaptive changes in human smooth pursuit eye movement. Neurosci. Res., 25, 391-398 (1996)
3) Tanaka M, Fukushima K: Slow eye movement evoked by sudden appearance of a stationary visual stimulus observed in a step-ramp pursuit task in monkey. Neurosci Res., 29, 93-98 (1997)
4) Suzuki Y, Kase M, Kato H, Fukushima K: Stability of ocular counterrolling and Listings plane during static roll titls. Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci., 38, 2103-2111 (1997)
5) Kaneko CRS, Fukushima K: Discharge characteristics of vestibular saccade neurons in alert monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 79, 835-847 (1998)
6) Tanaka M, Yoshida T, Fukushima K: Latency of saccades during smooth pursuit eye movements in man: directional asymmetries. Exp. Brain Res., 142, 92-98 (1998)
7) Tanaka M, Fukushima K: Neuronal responses related to smooth pursuit eye movements in the periarcuate cortical area of monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 80, 28-47 (1998)
8) Sato T, Yokoyama, R, Fukushima, J, Fukushima K: Latency of cross-axis vestibulo-ocular reflex induced by pursuit training in monkeys. Neurosci. Res., 33, 65-70 (1999)
9) Fukushima K, Fukushima J, Sato T: Vestibular-pursuit interactions: gaze velocity and target velocity signals in the monkey frontal eye fields. Annals NY Acad. Sci., 871, 248-259 (1999)
10) Fukushima K, Fukushima J, Kaneko CRS, Fuchs AF: Vertical Purkinje cells of the monkey floccular lobe: simple-spike activity during pursuit and passive whole body rotation. J. Neurophysiol., 82, 787-803 (1999)
11) Fukushima K, Sato T. Fukushima J: Vestibular and target velocity signals in and near the frontal eye field of alert monkeys. In: Equilibrium research, clinical equilibriometry and modern treatment. Claus-Frenz Claussen, Claus-Toni Haid, Bernhard Hofferberth (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp101-105 (1999)
12) Fukushima K, Sato T. Fukushima J, Shinmei Y, Kaneko CRS: Activity of smooth pursuit-related neurons in the monkey periarcuate cortex during pursuit and passive whole body rotation. J. Neurophysiol., 83, 563-587 (2000)
13) Fukushima K, Sato T, Fukushima J, Kurkin S: Cross axis VOR induced by pursuit training in monkeys: further properties of adaptive responses. Arch. ital. Biol., 138, 49-61 (2000)
14) Takeichi N, Fukushima K, Sasaki H, Yabe I, Tashiro, K, Inuyama, Y: Dissociation of smooth pursuit and VOR-cancellation in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. Neurology, 54, 860-866(2000)
15) Fukushima J, Hatta T, Fukushima K: Development of voluntary control of saccadic eye movements. (I) Age-related changes in normal children. Brain and Development 22, 173-180 (2000)
16) Suzuki Y, Shinmei Y, Nara H, Ifukube T: The effects of a fixation target on torsional optokinetic nystagmus. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 41, 2954-2959 (2000)
17) Fukushima K, Sato T, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, Fukushima J: Activity of frontal eye movement- related neurons during pursuit-vestibular interactions. In: Electrophysiology and Kinesiology. Eds Y Mano, M Okada, Monduzzi Editore, p247-251 (2000)
18) Fukushima K, Fukushima J, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, Kurkin S. Adaptive eye movements induced by cross-axis pursuit-vestibular interactions in trained monkeys. Acta Oto-laryngologica, Suppl, in press
19) 福島順子, 福島菊郎, 小山司: 精神分裂病患者と前頭葉障害患者の記憶によるサッカード-Working memoryとの関連で-. 脳と精神の医学, 10, 157-167 (1999)
20) 福島順子, 山野辺貴信, 新明康弘, 福島菊郎. サル前頭眼野の化学的不活性化-精神分裂病患者の滑動性眼球運動障害に対する前頭眼野の関与-脳と精神の医学, 2, 53-63 (2001)
21)Fukushima K: Cortico-vestibular interactions: anatomy, electro-physiology and functional considerations. Exp. Brain Res., 117, 1-16 (1997)
22) 福島菊郎, 福島順子: 眼球運動系, “臨床精神医学講座”第21巻, 脳と行動, III 認知と行動の神経機構B, p75-88, 中山書店 (1999)
23) 福島菊郎, 武市紀人: 小脳と眼球運動, Client 21, 21世紀, 耳鼻咽喉科領域の臨床 (1999)
24) 福島菊郎, 佐藤寿和, 新明康弘, 山野辺貴信, 武市紀人, 福島順子: 視線制御と小脳, 神経研究の進歩, 44, 983-992 (2000)
(2) 口頭発表
1) 招待,口頭講演 (国内 5件, 海外10件)
25) Fukushima K, Fukushima J, Chin S, Tsunekawa H, Kaneko CRS: Adaptive changes in cross axis VOR induced by pursuit training in alert monkeys. 18th Barany Society Meeting, Sydney, Aug. 11-14, Vestibular Res, 6, S52 (1996)
26) Fukushima K, Fukushima J, Kurkin S: Interaction of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and smooth pursuit system in monkeys: adaptive cross axis VOR and Purkinje cell response in the cerebellar flocculus. 1st FAONS Congress IBRO regional congress, Pattaya, Thailand20-23 October, Abstr p79 (1996)
27) Suzuki Y, Kase M, Fukushima K: Stability of ocular counter rolling and Listings plane during static roll tilts. 27th Soc Neurosci, New Orleans, Abstr 23, 8 (1997)
28) Suzuki Y: Characteristics of Listing’s plane: “Three-Dimensional Sensory and Motor Space: Polysensory interactions in the generation of eye movements.”, Europian research conference, September 5-10, Giens, France (1997)
29) Fukushima K, Sato T, Fukushima J, Kurkin S: Cross axis VOR induced by pursuit training in monkeys: Further properties of adaptive responses. The contributions of the vestibular system to oculo-motor skeleto-motor and perceptual functions. Satellite symposium to the 20th meeting of the Barany Society, Sep. 9-11, Freiburg, Asbtr. p28 (1998)
30) Fukushima K: Vestibular-smooth pursuit interactions: gaze velocity singals in the frontal eye fields in alert monkeys. Otolith function in spatial orientation and movement, Symposium in memory of Voker Henn, May 18-19, Zurich. (1998)
31) Fukushima K, Fukushima J, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, Kurkin S: Adaptive Eye Movement Responses induced by Cross-Axis Pursuit-Vestibular Interactions in Trained Monkeys, Barany meeting, symposium, June 4-7, Uppsala, (2000)
32) Fukushima J, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, Fukushima K: Impairments of smooth Gaze Tracking following Muscimol Infusion into the Frontal Eye Fields (FEF) of Trained Monkeys, Barany meeting, symposium, June 4-7, Uppsala (2000)
33) Fukushima K: Pursuit-vestibular interactions: Neural activity in and near the monkey frontal eye fields (FEF). Munich March 4-6 (2001)
34) Fukushima K, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, and Fukushima J: Role of the frontal eye fields (FEF) in smooth gaze tracking. International Symposium on “Higher Nervous Control of Posture and Locomotion: parallel and centralized control mechanisms” Okazaki, March 18-21 (2001)
35) Fukushima K, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, and Fukushima J: Neural activity in the monkey peri-arcuate cortex related to smooth ocular tracking. Uresco symposium: Three-dimensional sensory and motor space: Cerebellar and Cortical control of eye movements. Granada, March 31- April 5 (2001)
36) 福島菊郎, 福島順子, 佐藤寿和: 視線速度信号の形成と維持における前頭眼野領域と小脳片葉·腹側傍片葉の役割. 第21回日本神経科学第41回日本神経化学合同大会, ミニシンポジウム·運動発現の中枢機構, 9月21-23日, 東京ビッグサイト (1998)
37) Fukushima K, Sato T, Takeichi N, Wells S, Kurkin S, Fukushima J: Pursuit-vestibular interactions in monkeys: adaptive changes in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and smooth pursuit eye movements. Jap J Physiol 49 (Suppl) S162 (1999)
38) 福島菊郎: 視線制御と小脳。第35回 脳のシンポジウム, 北海道大学医学部, 平成12年3月10-11日 (2000)
39) Fukushima K, Yamanobe T, Shinmei Y, and Fukushima J: Prediction-related activity of smooth pursuit neurons in the periarcuate cortex: Estimate of target velocity. Neurosci Res Suppl 24, S34 (Abstr) (2000)
2) ポスター発表
40) Takeichi N, Fukushima K, Yamanobe T, Shinmei, Y, Fukushima J: Directional asymmetry in smooth-pursuit eye movements in the presence of visual background in humans and monkeys, Barany meeting, June 4-7, Uppsala, Abstr p63 (2000)
(1) 論文発表 (国内 3件, 海外18件)
1) Isa T, Itazawa S, Iino M, Tsuzuki K, Ozawa S: Distribution ofneurones expressing inwardly rectifying and Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors in rat hippocampal slices. J. Physiology., (London) 491, 719 - 733 (1996)
2) Ozawa S, Isa T, Tsuzuki K, Iino M: Ca2+ permeability and subunit composition of AMPA receptors in hippocampal neurons. In: “Integrative and Mol. Approach to Brain Function.” (eds) Ito M, Miyashita Y, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp47-56 (1996)
3) Iino M, Koike M, Isa T, Ozawa S: Voltage dependent blockage of Ca2+- permeable AMPA receptors by Joro spider toxin in cultured rat hippocampal neurones. J. Physiol., (London) 496, 431-437 (1996)
4) Tantisira B, Alstermark B, Isa T, Kummel H, Pinter M: Motoneuronal projection pattern of single C3-C4 propriospinal neurones. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, 74, 518-530 (1996)
5) Isa T, Iino M, Ozawa S: Spermine blocks synaptic transmission mediated by Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors. Neuroreport, 7, 689-692 (1996)
6) Itazawa S, Isa T, Ozawa S: Inwardly rectifying and Ca2+-permeable AMPA-type glutamate receptor channels in rat neocortical neurons. J. Neurophysiol., 78, 2592-2605 (1997)
7) Pettersson L-G, Lundberg A, Alstermark B, Isa T, Tantisira B: Effect of spinal cord lesions on forelimb target-reaching and on visually guided switching of target-reaching in the cat. Neuroscience Res., 29, 241-256 (1997)
8) Kobayashi Y, Kawano K, Takemura A, Inoue Y, Kitama T, Gomi H, Kawato M: Temporal firing patterns of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar ventral paraflocculus during ocular following responses in monkeys II. Complex spikes. J. Neurophysiol., 80, 832-48 (1998)
9) Isa T, Endo T, Saito Y: The visuo-motor pathway in the local circuit of the rat superior colliculus. J. Neurosci., 18, 8496-8504 (1998)
10) Aizawa H, Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto M, Isa T: Injection of nicotine into the superior colliculus facilitates occurrence of express saccades in monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 82, 1642-1646 (1999)
11) Saito Y, Isa T: Electrophysiological and morphological properties of neurons in the rat superior colliculus. I. Neurons in the intermediate layer. J. Neurophysiol., 82, 754-767 (1999)
12) Sasaki S, Isa T, Naito K: Effects of lesion of pontomedullary reticular formation on visually triggered vertical and oblique head orienting movements in alert cats. Neuroscience Lett., 265, 13-16 (1999)
13) Saito Y, Isa T: Voltage-gated transient outward currents neurones with different firing properties in rat superior colliculus. J. Physiol. (London), 528, 91-105 (2000)
14) Tsuzuki K, Isa T, Ozawa S: Subunit composition of AMPA receptors expressed by single hippocampal neurons. Neuroreport, 11, 1-5 (2000)
15) Endo T, Isa T. Functionally different AMPA-type glutamate receptors in morphologically identified neurons in superficial layer of rat superior colliculus. Neuroscience, in press
16) Isa T, Sasaki S: Neural mechanisms for the control of visually guided orienting movements of the head. In: “Motor Control Today and Tomorrow (ed. G.N. Gantchev, S. Mori, J. Massion, Academic Publishing House “Prof. M. Drinov, Sofia)”, pp57- 69 (1999)
17) Isa T: A role of brainstem acetylcholinergic system in regulating initiation of saccadic eye movements. In: “From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery” (eds. N. Gantchev & G.N. Gantchev), pp19-23 (1999)
18) Isa T, Sasaki S, Brainstem control of head movements during orientation; organization of the premotor circuits. Progress in Neurobiology, in press.
19) 伊佐正: 視覚座標から運動座標へ-感覚·運動情報変換機構。平衡神経科学 (Equilibrium Research) pp343-352 (1998)
20) 伊佐正: 上丘へのコリン作動性投射の生理的役割。 Brain Medical vol 11 p27 - 33 (1999)
21) 伊佐正: 注意の脳内表現へのボトムアップ的アプローチ。 VISION vol 12, No.3 123-130 (2000)
(2) 口頭発表
1) 招待,口頭講演 (国内30件, 海外 9件)
22) Saito Y and Isa T: Local circuit of the superior colliculus: intrinsic firing properties and functional role of acetylcholinergic innervation. COE Symposium, March 24-26, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan (1997)
23) Isa T: Directional control of orienting eye and head movements by different subpopulations of reticular neurones. 13th International Symposium of International Society for Postural and Gait Research, June 22 - 26, Paris, France. (1997)
24) Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto M, Isa T, Aizawa H: Control of saccade initiation by pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus neurons in monkeys. In: “Neural Control of Movement” April 11-16, Kauai, Hawaii, USA (1999)
25) Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto M, Isa T, Aizawa H: Control of saccadic reaction time by pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus neurons in monkeys. Soc Neurosci Abstr (Miami, Oct 23-28) 661.7 (1999)
26) Isa T, Endo T, Saito Y: Neural mechanisms substantiating non-linear activation property of local circuits in the intermediate layer of rat superior colliculus. Soc Neurosci Abstr (Miami Oct 23-28) 763.1 (1999)
27) Saito Y, Endo T, Isa T: Synchronization of a neuronal population in the local circuits of the intermediate layer of the rat superior colliculus. Soc Neurosci Abstr (Miami Oct 23-28) 763.2 (1999)
28) Isa T: A role of brainstem acetylcholinergic system in regulating initiation of saccadic eye movements. In: “International Conference on Motor Control” from 22 to 26 September (St. Constantine Resort, Bulgaria) (1999)
29) Kobayashi Y, Inoue Y, Yamamoto M, Aizawa H, Isa T: “Multinodal signaling related to movement execution, preparation, motivation and reward in the pedunculo-pontine nucleus neurons” “Rett症候群に関する国際シンポジウム(大会長: 瀬川昌也)”, July 23, 軽井沢 (2001)
30) Alstermark B, Isa T, Ohki Y, Saito Y: C3-C4 propriospinal neurons mediate disynaptic pyramidal excitation to forelimb motoneurones in macaca fuscata. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Nov 6, New Orleans. (2000)
31) Kobayashi Y, Inoue Y, Yamamoto M, Aizawa H, Isa T: Coding of multimodal signals in the pedunculopontine nucleus neurons related to performance of visually guided saccade task. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Nov 6, New Orleans. (2000)
32) Saito Y, Isa T: Intra- and interlaminar excitatory connections among neuronal populations in rat superior colliculus. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Nov 6, New Orleans. (2000)
33) Isa T: “The neurobiology of vigilance”. International Workshop on Ape Genomics. March 14-15, Tokyo (2001)
34) Isa T: “Saccade initiation and vigilance: Regulation by the brainstem cholinergic system.” COE symposium “Higher Nervous Control of Posture and Locomotion: parallel and centralized control mechanisms” (March 18-22) National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki. (2001)
35) 斎藤康彦, 伊佐正: 「上丘中間層局所神経回路の構造 I. 発火特性と形態によるニューロン群の分類」 第74回日本生理学会大会 3月26日-28日, 浜松 (1997)
36) 伊佐正, 斎藤康彦: 「上丘中間層局所神経回路の構造 II. 発火特性の基礎となる種々のconductanceについて」 第74回日本生理学会大会 3月26日-28日, 浜松 (1997)
37) 伊佐正, 斎藤康彦: 「上丘局所神経回路の信号伝達様式とアセチルコリン作動性入力の作用について」 第20回日本神経科学大会, 7月16日-18日仙台 (1997)
38) 斎藤康彦, 伊佐正: 「上丘中間層細胞の発火特性への一過性外向き電流の寄与について」第20回日本神経科学大会, 7月16日-18日, 仙台 (1997)
39) 小林康, 山本優, 伊佐正, 相澤寛: 「コリン作動性薬物のサル上丘への微量注入がサッカードに及ぼす影響」第75回日本生理学会大会, 3月27-29日, 金沢(1998)
40) 伊佐正, 遠藤利朗, 斉藤康彦: 「視神経-上丘浅層-中間層信号伝達経路の構成素子について」第75回日本生理学会大会, 3月27-29日, 金沢 (1998)
41) 遠藤利朗, 伊佐正: 「ラット上丘浅層ニューロンの電気生理学的特性」第75回日本生理学会大会, 3月27-29日, 金沢 (1998)
42) 相澤寛, 小林康, 山本優, 伊佐正: 「サッカード反応時間課題遂行に対するサル上丘へのニコチン微量注入の影響」第21回日本神経科学, 第41回日本神経化学合同大会, 9月21-24日, 東京 (1998)
43) 小林康, 山本優, 伊佐正, 相澤寛: 「視覚誘導性サッカード時のサル脚橋被蓋核ニューロンの活動」第21回日本神経科学, 第41回日本神経化学合同大会, 9月21-24日, 東京 (1998)
44) 山本優, 伊佐正: 「脚橋被蓋核から上丘へのコリン作動性投射の空間的特異性の検討」第21回日本神経科学, 第41回日本神経化学合同大会, 9月21-24日, 東京 (1998)
45) 伊佐正, 遠藤利朗, 斎藤康彦: 「上丘中間層におけるニコチン受容体の活性化が局所神経回路に及ぼす作用」第21回日本神経科学, 第41回日本神経化学合同大会, 9月21-24日, 東京 (1998)
46) 斎藤康彦, 伊佐正: 「上丘中間層の異なる発火特性を示すニューロン群における一過性外向き電流の解析」第21回日本神経科学, 第41回日本神経化学合同大会, 9月21-24日, 東京 (1998)
47) 伊佐正「眼球サッケード運動を指標とする注意の脳内メカニズムの解析」 第14回日本生体磁気学会大会教育講演 1999年5月22-23日, 岡崎
48) 遠藤利朗, 伊佐正「ラット上丘浅層におけるGABAB受容体活性化の作用」第22回日本神経科学大会, 平成11年7月6-8日, 大阪
49) 小林康, 山本優, 伊佐正, 相澤寛「脚橋被蓋核ニューロンによるサル視覚誘導性サッカード反応時間の制御」第22回日本神経科学大会, 平成11年7月6-8日, 大阪
50) 斎藤康彦, 遠藤利朗, 伊佐正「上丘中間層細胞群の非線形的活性化機構」第22回日本神経科学大会, 平成11年7月6-8日, 大阪
51) 伊佐正, Alstermark B, 大木紫, 斎藤康彦「マカクザルの錐体路から上肢筋運動ニューロンに至る下行性経路」第77回日本生理学会大会, 2000年3月27-29日, 日吉, 横浜
52) 伊佐正「注意の脳内表現に対するボトムアップ的アプローチ」日本視覚学会招待講演2000年7月27_29日·河口湖
53) 遠藤利朗, 伊佐正「ラット上丘浅層の異なるニューロン種におけるAMPA型グルタミン酸受容体サブタイプの分布」 第23回日本神経科学大会, 第10回日本神経回路学会大会, 2000年9月4_6日, 横浜
54) 山下哲司, 伊佐正「ラット中脳ドパミン細胞におけるニコチン型アセチルコリン受容体(nAChRs)の活性化に伴うカルシウム感受性電流」 第23回日本神経科学大会, 第10回日本神経回路学会大会, 2000年9月4_6日, 横浜
55) 斎藤康彦, 伊佐正「上丘層内, 層間のニューロン集団における興奮性結合」 第23回日本神経科学大会, 第10回日本神経回路学会大会, 2000年9月4-6日, 横浜
56) 井上由香, 小林康, 相澤寛, 伊佐正「ニホンザル脚橋被蓋核におけるサッカード課題への動機付けや報酬に関連したニューロン活動」 第23回日本神経科学大会, 第10回日本神経回路学会大会, 2000年9月4-6日, 横浜
57) 伊佐正「上丘局所神経回路の動的特性と運動制御」東京都神経研シンポジウム「運動制御の脳内メカニズムを探る」招待講演·2000年11月20日, 東京
58) 伊佐正「サッケード運動制御系とその修飾機構」 2001年3月29日, 日本生理学会大会シンポジウム「眼球運動から見る脳の統合機能」·京都
59) 小林康, 井上由香, 伊佐正「サッカードを指標としたコリン作動性入力による動機付けの制御の解析」2001年3月30日, 日本生理学会大会シンポジウム「動機づけ〔モチベーション〕の脳内機構」·京都
60) 山下哲司, 伊佐正「ラット中脳ドパミン細胞におけるニコチン型受容体の活性化に伴うカルシウム感受性電流の特性」2001年3月29-31日, 日本生理学会大会·京都
61) Y. Saito & T. Isa: Intrinsic firing and morphological properties of neurons in the optic and intermediate layers of the superior colliculus of rats. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, June 30 - July 5, St. Petersburg, Russia. (1997)
62) Yasuhiko Saito & Tadashi Isa: Local circuit of the superior colliculus in rats. I. Intrinsic firing and morphological properties of neurons in the optic and intermediate layers. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 25-30, New Orleans (1997)
63) Tadashi Isa & Yasuhiko Saito: Local circuit of the superior colliculus in rats. II. Local connections and effect of acetylcholinergic input. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 25-30, New Orleans (1997)
64) Aizawa H, Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto M & Isa T: Modification of saccadic eye movements by acetylcholine-related substances injected into monkey superior colliculus. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 25-30, New Orleans (1997)
65) Aizawa H, Kobayashi Y, Yamamoto M & Isa T: Modification of the initiation of saccadic eye movements by micro-injection of acetylcholine-related substances into monkey superior colliculus. Neural Control of Movement Meeting ’98, April 15-19, Key West, Florida. (1998)
66) Kobayashi Y, Isa T, Yamamoto M & Aizawa H: Relationship of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus neuron activity to saccade initiation in monkeys. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Nov 7-12 (1998)
67) Isa T, Endo T & Saito Y: Nicotinic facilitation of signal transmission in the local circuits of the rat superior colliculus. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Nov 7-12 (1998)
68) Saito Y & Isa T: Voltage-gated transient outward currents in neurons with different firing properties in the intermediate layer of rat superior colliculus. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Nov 7-12 (1998)
69) Endo T & Isa T: Electrophysiological and morphological properties of neurons in the superficial layer of the rat superior colliculus. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Nov 7-12 (1998)
(1) 論文発表(国内12件, 海外25件)
1) Kojima J, Matsumura M, Togawa M and Hikosaka O: Tonic activity during visuo- oculomotor behavior in the monkey superior colliculus. Neurosci. Res., 26, 17-28 (1996)
2) Miyashita K, Rand M. K, Miyachi S and Hikosaka O: Anticipatory saccades in sequential procedural learning in monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 76, 1361-1366 (1996)
3) Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S and Shimojo S: Orienting of spatial attention - its reflexive, compensatory, and voluntary mechanisms. Cognitive Brain Res., 5, 1-9 (1996)
4) Segawa M, Tanaka R, Nomura Y, Fukuda H and Hikosaka O: Saccadic eye movements in basal ganglia disorders. In: Recent Advances in Clinical Neurophysiol., edited by Kimura J. and Shibasaki H., Amsterdam: Elsevier, p.170-176 (1996)
5) Shimojo S, Miyauchi S, Hikosaka O: Visual motion sensation yielded by non-visually driven attention. Vision Res., 37, 1575-1580 (1997)
6) Terao Y, Fukuda H, Ugawa Y, Hikosaka O, Hanajima R, Furubayashi T, Sakai K, Miyauchi S, Sasaki Y and Kanazawa I: Visualization of the information flow through human oculomotor cortical regions by transcranial magnetic stimulation. J. Neurophysiol., 80, 936-946 (1998)
7) Hikosaka O: Neural systems for control of voluntary action - a hypothesis. Advances in Biophysics, 35, 81-102 (1998)
8) Sakai K, Takino R, Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S, Sasaki Y, Puetz B and Fujimaki N: Separate cerebellar areas for motor control. Neuroreport, 9, 2359-2363 (1998)
9) Kawagoe R, Takikawa Y and Hikosaka O: Expectation of reward modulates cognitive signals in the basal ganglia. Nat. Neurosci., 5, 411-416 (1998)
10) Sakai K, Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S, Sasaki Y, Fujimaki N, Puetz B: Pre-SMA activation during sequence learning reflects visuo-motor association. J. Neurosci., 19, RC1: 1-6 (1999)
11) Nakamura K, Sakai K, Hikosaka O: Effects of local inactivation of monkey medial frontal cortex in learning of sequential procedures. J. Neurophysiol., 82, 1063-1068 (1999)
12) Sakai K, Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S, Takino R, Tamada T, Iwata NK, Nielsen M: Neural representation of a rhythm depends on its interval ratio. J. Neurosci., 19, 10074-10081 (1999)
13) Hikosaka O, Nakahara H, Rand MK, Sakai K, Lu X, Nakamura K, Miyachi S, Doya K: Parallel neural networks for learning sequential procedures. Trends Neurosci., 22, 464-471 (1999)
14) Rand MK, Hikosaka O, Miyachi S, Lu X, Nakamura K, Kitaguchi K, Shimo Y: Characteristics of sequential movements during early learning period in monkeys. Exp. Brain Res., 131, 293-304 (2000)
15) Sakai K, Hikosaka O, Takino R, Miyauchi S, Nielsen M, Tamada T: What and when: parallel and convergent processing in motor control. J. Neurosci., 20, 2691-2700 (2000)
16) Hikosaka O, Takikawa Y, Kawagoe R: Role of the basal ganglia in the control of purposive saccadic eye movements. Physiological Rev., 80, 953-978 (2000)
17) Lauwereyns J, Koizumi M, Kobayashi S, Sakagami M, Hikosaka O, Tsutsui K.: Interference from irrelevant features on visual discrimination by macaques (Macaca fuscata): A behavioral analogue of the human stroop effect. Exp. Psychol., 26, 352-357 (2000)
18) Rand MK, Hikosaka O, Miyachi S, Lu X, Nakamura K, Kitaguchi K, Shimo Y: Characteristics of sequential movements during early learning period in monkeys. Exp. Brain Res., 131, 293-304 (2000)
19) Sakai K, Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S, Takino R, Sasaki Y, Puetz B: Transition of brain activation from frontal to parietal areas in visuo-motor sequence learning. J. Neurosci., 18, 1827-1840 (1998)
20) Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S, Takeichi H and Shimojo S: Multimodal spatial attention visualized by motion illusion. In: Attention and Performance XVI: Information Integration in Perception and Communication, edited by Inui T. and McClelland J., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p. 237-261 (1996)
21) Shimojo S, Tanaka Y, Hikosaka O and Miyauchi S: Vision, attention, and action: Inhibition and facilitation in sensory-motor links revealed by the reaction time and the line motion. In: Attention and Performance XVI: Information Integration in Perception and Communication, edited by Inui T. and McClelland J., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p.597-630 (1996)
22) Shimojo S, Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S Automatic and controlled processes of attention revealed in the line motion effect. In: Attention and Performance XVII (Gopher D, Koirat A, eds), pp.145-163, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (1999)
23) Kawagoe R, Takikawa Y, Hikosaka O.: Visual responses of monkey caudate neurons depend on reward expectancy. Neurosci. Res., Supplement 21, S251 (1997)
24) Takikawa Y, Kawagoe R, Hikosaka O.: Changes in neuronal activities in monkey caudate by reward expectation. Soc. Neurosci., Abstr 23, 464(1997)
25) Hikosaka O, Sakai K, Nakahara H, Lu X, Miyachi S, Nakamura K, Rand MK: Neural mechanisms for learning of sequential procedures. In: The New Cognitive Neurosciences (Gazzaniga MS, eds), pp.553-572, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press(1999)
26) 彦坂興秀: 大脳基底核と巧みな動作. 体育の科学 46, 447-454 (1996)
27) 彦坂興秀: 大脳基底核疾患の眼球運動. 神経研究の進歩 40, 471-484 (1996)
28) 彦坂興秀: 行動と大脳基底核. 臨床科学 33, 95-102 (1997)
29) 茂木健一郎, 彦坂興秀: 注意と意識. 科学 68, 895-906 (1998)
30) 彦坂興秀: 脳は運動をどのようにプログラムするか. In:脳:高次機能と分子機構からさぐる脳疾患, edited by 辻省次, 東京:メジカルビュー社, p.57-75 (1997)
31) 彦坂興秀: 手続き的記憶の神経機構, 学術月報 Vol. 53, No. 4, 26-34 (2000)
32) 彦坂興秀: 精神機能への神経科学的アプローチ, 実験医学 12, 2668-2672 (2000)
33) 彦坂興秀: 認知に果たす「無意識」の役割: 大脳基底核と手続き学習, 日経サイエンス 31, 25-27 (2000)
34) 中原裕之, 銅谷賢治, 彦坂興秀: 大脳皮質基底核系機能の計算理論, 脳 213, 305-310 (2000)
35) 中原裕之, 銅谷賢治, 彦坂興秀: 順序動作の学習の脳内ネットワーク, 脳の科学 22, 1075-7085 (2000)
36) 彦坂興秀: 運動制御における小脳の役割 -最近の進歩, 神経研究の進歩 44, 974-982 (2000)
37) 彦坂興秀: バリスティック運動制御, 脳科学大事典 (pp.306-316)編者: 甘利俊一·外山敬介 東京, 朝倉書店 (2000)
(2) 口頭発表
1) 招待,口頭講演 (国内29件, 海外16件)
38) Hikosaka, O.: Translation of motivation into action in the basal ganglia. Plenary Lecture The Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Kitakyushu, Japan, October 22 (1998)
39) Hikosaka, O.: Role of the basal ganglia in the cognitive and motivational control of action, RIKEN BSI Summer Program 2000, Saitama, Japan, Jul. 14 (2000)
40) Hikosaka, O.: The dopaminergic neurons and behavior, World Congress on Rett syndrome 2000 Satellite Symposium: Developmental Neurology for Understanding the Pathophysiology of Rett syndrome Karuizawa, Japan, Jul. 24 (2000)
41) Hikosaka, O.: Integration of motivation and cognition in the basal ganglia for goal-directed action Symposium: Brain Mechanisms of Attention and Consciousness, 27th International Congress of Psychology, July 28 (23-28), Stockholm, Sweden (2000)
42) Hikosaka, O.: Role of the basal ganglia in the reward-directed saccadic eye movement. Neuroscience Seminar at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, Oct. 10, Vanderbilt University (2000)
43) Hikosaka, O.: Role of the basal ganglia in the motivational control of saccadic eye movement. Neuroscience Seminar at University of Wahington, Seattle, USA, Oct. 12 (2000)
44) Hikosaka, O.: Role of the basal ganglia in the cognitive and motivational control of action. NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series, Bethesda, USA, Oct. 16 (2000)
45) Hikosaka, O.: Motivational control of saccadic eye movement - a role of the basal ganglia. The Pittsburgh Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Grass Traveling Scientist, Pittsburgh, USA, Nov. 13 (2000)
46) Hikosaka, O.: Neural systems for explicit and implicit procedural learning. International Symposium on Inter-areal Functional Coupling. Kyoto, Dec. 16 (2000)
47) Hikosaka, O.: Neural control of voluntary action - Role of the basal ganglia, Symposium: Genes and Minds Initiative Workshop on Ape Genomics, Tokyo, March 14-15, (2000)
48) Hikosaka, O.: Neural control of voluntary saccades - Role of the basal ganglia, Symposium: Higher Nervous Control of Posture and Locomotion: Parallel and Centralized Control Mechanisms, Okazaki, March 19-21 (2000)
49) Hikosaka, O.: A principle of basal ganglia function: why and how, Panel: Principles of Basal Ganglia Function: From Motivation to Decision Making, Eleventh Annual Meeting for Neural Control of Movement. Seville, Spain, March 25-30 (2000)
50) Hikosaka, O.: Progress in the neurophysiology underlying movement disorders, The 5th International Coference on Procegress iin Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, Kyoto, Japan, March 31-4.5 (4.4) (2000)
51) Hikosaka, O.: Integration of motivation and cognition in the basal ganglia for goal-directed eye movement, CREST Workshop on Metalearning and Neuromodulation, Seika, Kyoto, Japan, April 6-7 (2000)
52) 彦坂興秀: 運動制御における小脳の役割 -最近の進歩-, 第35回脳のシンポジウム, 札幌, 3月11日 (2000)
53) 彦坂興秀: 大脳基底核による眼球運動制御:報酬と動機づけの意味, 神経情報科学サマースクール (Neuroinformatics Summer School, 2000; NISS2000), 8月10日 (2000)
54) 彦坂興秀: 精神機能への神経科学的アプローチ, 文部省特定領域研究 (C) 「先端脳」平成 12 年度夏のワークショップ, 京都, 8月22日 (2000)
55) 彦坂興秀: 手続き記憶の長期保持と意識, 「脳と心のワークショップ」, 京都, 8月23日 (2000)
56) 彦坂興秀: 脳の機能系の新しい考え方, 第34回日本てんかん学会教育講演, 9月21日 (2000)
57) 彦坂興秀: 大脳基底核の認知機能, 第23回神経研シンポジウム「運動制御の脳内メカニズムを探る」, 東京, 11月20日 (2000)
58) Y. Takikawa, R. Kawagoe, and O. Hikosaka.: Changes in neuronal activities in monkey caudate by reward expectation. 27th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience New Orleans, U.S.A. Oct25-30 (1997)
59) Hikosaka, O.: Learning and memory for sequential procedures, International Seminar on Neurobiology, Tokyo, Japan. 20-21 (1998)
60) Hikosaka, O.: Neural mechanisms for learning of sequential procedures. 1998 James S. McDonnell Foundation Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Squaw Creek, California, U.S.A. (1998)
61) Hikosaka, O.: Multiple neural systems for procedural learning. The Canada-Japan Neuroscience Partnership Meeting Fuji, Japan, Aug. 21 (1998)
62) Hikosaka, O. Reward-dependent modulation of caudate and dopaminergic neurons. 6th Teiennial Meeting of International Basal Ganglia Society Brewster, MA, U.S.A. Oct. 15-18 (18) (1998)
63) Kawagoe R, Takikawa Y, Hikosaka O.: Activities of caudate and dopamine neurons change by motivation. Neurosci Res Suppl. 23, 634, Osaka, Jul. (1999)
64) Kawagoe R, Takikawa Y, Hikosaka O.: Change in reward-predicting activity of monkey dopamine neurons: short-term plaslticity. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 25, 1162, Miami Beach, Florida, Oct. (1999)
65) Takikawa Y, Kawagoe R, Hikosaka O.: Emergence of reward-preditcing ability of monkey dopamine neurons: long-term plasticity. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 25, 1162, Miami Beach, Florida, Oct, (1999)
66) Sakagami M, Lauwereyns J, Kobayashi S, Koizumi M, Tsutsui K, Hikosaka O.: Selective attention to color modulates neuronal activity only for NO-GO signals in macaque ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 25, 1550, Miami Beach, Florida, Oct. (1999)
67) Lu X, Hikosaka O.: Neuronal activity of monkey supplementary eye field during performance of a oculomotor sequence task. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 25, 884, Miami Beach, Florida, Oct. (1999)
68) Lu X, Hikosaka O.: Role of monkey supplementary eye field in learned sequential saccades. Neurosci Res Suppl. 23, 635, Osaka, Jul. (1999)
69) Lauwereyns J, Sakagami M, Kobayashi S, Koizumi M, Tsutsui K, Hikosaka O.: Attentional modulation of color-sensitive cells in macaque ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Neural Plasticity Supplement 1, April 5th, (1999)
70) Coe B.: Voluntary and stimulus-driven modulation of visually response fronal eye field neurons in a free-choise task. SO: 文部省特定領域研究 “高次脳機能のシステム的理解” 第3回冬のワークショップ, ルスツ, Jan. (1999)
71) Coe B, Sato M, Hikosaka O.: Visual responses during a free-choice task: A comparison of FEF & LIP. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 25, 884, Miami Beach, Florida, Oct. (1999)
72) Coe B, Hikosaka O.: A Comparison between FEF & LIP activity in a free-choice task. Japan Science & Technology (Annual Meeting), Nagoya, Dec. (1999)
73) Kobayashi S, Sakagami M, Koizumi M, Tsutsui K, Lauwereyns J, Hikosaka O.: Selective inhibitory mechanism of prefrontal neurons in decision making. Neurosci Res Suppl. 23, 644, Osaka, Jul. (1999)
74) Watanabe M, Hikosaka K, Sakagami M, Shirakawa S.: Monitoring of contextual reward information in primate prefrontal cortex. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 25, 883, Miami Beach, Florida, Oct. (1999)
75) Hikosaka, O.: Basal ganglia motivate saccadic eye movement. Panel: Taking sensorimotor transformations to higher levels. Ninth Annual Meeting for Neural Control of Movement. Kauai, Hawaii, U.S.A. April 11-16 (1999)
76) 川越礼子, 滝川順子, 彦坂興秀: サル尾状核ニューロンの視覚性応答は報酬の予期に依存する, 第20回日本神経科学大会, 7月16日-18日 仙台 (1997)
77) 川越礼子, 滝川順子, 彦坂興秀: 報酬条件により変化するサル尾状核ニューロンの予測的応答第12回日本大脳基底核研究会, 7月24, 25日京都 (1997)
78) 彦坂興秀: 学習,注意,動機づけの神経機構 第7回 Metropolitan Neuroscience Club (MNC) 4月20日 東京 (1999)