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戦略的基礎研究推進事業 平成7年度採択研究課題 研究終了報告  57-63
濱田 博司

1. 論文発表 (国内0遍、海外20編)
Meno, C., Saijoh, Y., Fujii, H., Ikeda, M., Yokoyama, Y., Yokoyama, M., Toyoda, Y. and Hamada, H. (1996). Left-right asymmetric expression of the TGFβ-family member lefty in developing mouse embryo. Nature 381: 151-155.
Meno, C., Ito, Y., Saijoh, Y., Matsuda, Y., Tashiro, K. and Hamada, H. (1997). Two closely-related left- right asymmetrically-expressed genes, lefty-1 and lefty-2: Their distinct expression domains, chromosomal linkage and direct neuralizing activity in Xenopus embryos. Genes Cells. 2: 513-524.
Tonegawa A., Funayama N., Ueno N., and Takahashi Y. (1997). Mesodermal subdivision along the medio-lateral axis in chicken controlled by different concentrations of BMP-4. Development 124 1975-1984.
Meno, C., Shimono, A., Saijoh, Y., Yashiro, K., Mochida, K., Ohishi, S., Noji, S., Kondoh, H. and Hamada, H. (1998). lefty-1 is required for left-right determination as a regulator of lefty-2 and nodal. Cell. 94: 287-297.
Yoshioka, H., Meno C., Koshiba, K., Sugihara, M., Itoh, H., Ishimaru, Y., Inoue, T., Ohuchi, H., Semina, E.V., Murray, J.C., Hamada, H. and Noji, S. (1998) Ptx2, a bicoid homeobox gene, is involved in a Lefty-signaling pathway in determination of left-right asymmetry. Cell. 94: 299-305.
Mochizuki, T., Saijoh, Y., Tsuchiya, K., Shirayoshi, Y., Takai, S., Taya, C., Yonekawa, H., Yamada, K., Nihei, H., Nakatsuji, N., Overbeek, P., Hamada, H., Yokoyama, T. (1998). Cloning of inv, a gene that controls left-right asymmetry and kidney development. Nature 395: 177-181.
Tonegawa A. and Takahashi Y. (1998) Somitogenesis Controlled by Noggin.
Dev. Biol. 202 172-182.
Saijoh, Y., Adachi, H., Mochida, K., Ohishi, S., Hirao, A., and Hamada, H. (1999)
Distincttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms underlie left-right asymmetric expression of lefty-1 and lefty-2. Genes Dev. 13: 259-269.
Adachi, H., Saijoh, Y., Mochida, K., Ohishi, S., Hashiguchi, H., Hirao, A., and Hamada, H. (1999) Determination of left-right asymmetric expression of nodal by a left side-specific enhancer with sequence similarity to a lefty-2 enhancer. Genes Dev. 13: 1589-1600.
Nishino, J., Mochida, K., Ohfuji, Y., Shimazaki, T., Meno, C., Ohishi, S., Matsuda, Y., Fujii, H., Saijoh, Y., and Hamada, H.(1999). GFRα3, a putative coreceptor of Artemin, is required for the migration and survival of the superior cervical ganglion. Neuron 23: 725-736.
Meno, C.,* Gritmann, K.,* Ohfuji, Y., Heckscher, E., Ohishi, S., Mochida, K., Shimono, A., Kondoh, H., Talbot, W., Robertson, E.J., Schier, A.F. and Hamada, H. (1999). Mouse Lefty2 and zebrafish Antivin are feedback inhibitors of Nodal signaling during vertebrate gastrulation. (* equally contributed) Mol. Cell 4: 287-298.
Okada, Y., Nonaka, S., Tanaka, Y., Saijoh, Y., Hamada, H., and Hirokawa, N. (1999). Abnormal nodal flow precedes situs inversus in iv and inv mutant mice. Mol. Cell 4: 459-468.
Funayama, N., Sato, Y., Matsumoto, K., Ogura, T., and Takahashi, Y (1999). Coelom formation: binary decision of the lateral plate mesoderm is controlled by the ectoderm. Development 126: 4129-4138.
Saijoh, Y., Adachi, H., Sakuma, R., Yeo, C.-Y., Yashiro, K., Watanabe, M., Hashiguchi, H., Yashiro, K., Kawabata, M., Miyazono, K., Whitman, M. and Hamada, H. (2000). Left-right asymmetric expression of lefty2 and nodal is induced by a signaling pathway that includes a transcription factor FAST2. Mol. Cell 5: 35-47.
Ishimaru, Y., Yoshioka, H., Tao, H., Thisse, B., Thisse, C., Wright, C.V.E., Hamada, H., Ohuchi, H., and Noji, S. (2000). Asymmetric expression of antivin/lefty1 in the early chick embryo. Mech. Dev. 90: 115-118.
Yashiro, K., Saijoh, Y., Sakuma, R., Sakai, Y., Tomita, N., Matsuda, Y., Okada, S. Monden, M.and Hamada, H. (2000). Distinct transcriptional regulation and phylogenetic diversity of human LEFTY genes. Genes Cell. 5: 343-357.
Osada, S., Saijoh, Y., Frisch, A., Yeo, C.-Y., Adachi, H., Watanabe, M., Whitman, M., Hamada, H., and Wright, C.V. (2000). Activin/Nodal responsiveness and asymmetric expression of Xenopus nodal-related gene converge on a FAST-regulated module in intron 1. Development. 127: 2503-2514.
Shiratori, H., Sakuma, R., Watanabe, M., Hashiguchi, H., Mochida, K., Nishino, J., Sakai, Y., Saijoh, Y., Whitman, M. and Hamada, H.(2001). Two step regulation of asymmetric Pitx2 expression: Initiation by Nodal signaling and maintenance by Nkx2. Mol. Cell 7: 137-149.
Sakai, Y., Meno, C., Nishino, J., Shiratori, H., Saijoh, Y., Rossant, J. and Hamada, H. (2001). CYP26/P450RA, a retinoic acid-inactivating enzyme, is required for establishing an uneven distribution of retinoic acid along the anteroposterior axis within the mouse embyro. Genes & Dev. 15: 213-225.
Yamamoto, M., Meno, C., Sakai, Y., Shiratori, H., Mochida, K., Ikawa, Y., Saijoh, Y., and Hamada, H. (2001). A transcription factor FoxH1/FAST mediates Nodal signaling during anterio-posterior patterning and node formation in the mouse. Genes & Dev. 12: 1242-1256.
2. 口頭発表
1) 招待、口頭講演 (国際学会のみ:国内4件、海外9件)
Hamada, H. Determining the lefy-right polarity.International Congress on Developmental Biology (July 12-15, 1997, Snow Bird, Utah, USA).
Hamada, H. Molecular basis of left-right asymmetry in mammals. The 12th Workshop on Japan-France Cooperative Cancer reaserch Program “Oncogene in Development“ (October 1-3, 1997, Utsunomiya, Japan )
Hamada, H. Determination of left-right asymmetry.The 12th Rinshoken International Conference ( October 27-29, 1997, Tokyo, Japan )
Hamada, H. Molecular basis of left-right asymmetry. 4th International Kyoto Life Science Symposium ( Nov. 6-7, 1997 Kyoto, Japan )
Hamada, H. Function and transcriptional regulation of lefty genes.Cold Spring Haobor Laboratory Meeting on Handedness and Asymmetry. (November 16-19, 1997, Cold Spring Harbor, USA )
Hamada, H. Role of retinoic acid-catabolizing P450 in development. 12th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations. (July, 20-24, 1998, Montpellier, France )
Hamada, H. Molecular basis of left-right asymmetry. Mouse Molecular Genetics (Sept. 01-04, 1998 Cold Spring Harbor, USA )
Hamada, H. TGFβ signaling in left-right determination of body. US-Japan Cancer Program Workshop on Developmental Regulators and Cancer (Feb. 8-10, 1999, Maui, Hawaii, USA)
Hamada, H. Molecular basis of left-right asymmetry in mammals. Hot Spring Harbor Symposium (Feb. 20-21, 1999 Fukuoka, Japan)
Hamada, H. The role of nodal-lefty loops in embryonic patterning. HFSP Meeting on Axis Formation (May, 2000, Strasbourg, France)
Hamada, H. Dissection of genetic pathway determining left-right asymmetry. SDB meeting in Colorado (June 9-12, 2000, Denver, USA)
Hamada, H. Dissection of genetic pathway determining left-right asymmetry. UCSF Friday Symposium on Organogenesis (June 4, 2000, San Francisco, USA)
Hamad, H. The role of nodal-lefty loops in embryonic patterning. Gorlin Conference on Dysmorphogenesis (September 31-October 02, 2000, Minneapolis, USA)
2) ポスター発表 (国際学会のみ:国内0件、海外6件)
3. 受賞等
1) 受賞:大阪科学賞(濱田博司、平成12年11月)