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第2回公開シンポジウム予稿集 「脳を創る」  7-8
永雄 総一

1. Osanai R, Nagao S, Kitamura T, Kawabata I, Yamada J. Differences of afferent input organization between the flocculus and paraflocculus in the rat. Experimental Brain Reseach 124: 248-264, 1999.
2. Hasebe H., Oyamada H., Kinomura S., Kawashima R., Ouchi Y., Nobezawa S., Tsukada H., Yoshikawa E., Ukai K., Takada R., Takagi M., Abe H., Fukuda H. and Bando T. Human cortical areas activated in relation to vergence eye movements-a PET study. NeuroImage 10: 200-208, 1999.
3. Nagao S, Kitazawa H. Subdural applications of NO-scavenger or NO-blocker to the cerebellum depress the adaptation of monkey post-saccadic smooth pursuit eye movements. NeuroReport 17: 131-133, 2000.
4. Kitazawa H, Katoh A, Yagi T, Nagao S. Dynamic characteristics and adaptability of reflex eye movements of Fyn-deficient mice. Neuroscience Letter 280: 179-182, 2000.
5. Katoh A, Kitazawa H, Itohara S, Nagao S. Inhibition of nirtic oxide synthesis and gene-knockout of neural nitric oxide synthetase impaired adaptation of mouse of mouse optokinetic eye movements. Learning and Memory 7: 220-226, 2000.
6. Takada R., Hara N., Yamamoto K., Toda H., Ando T., Hasebe H., Abe H. and Bando T. Effects of localized lesions in the lateral suprasylvian cortex on convergence eye movements in cats. Neuroscience Research 36: 275-283, 2000.
7. Takagi M., Abe H., Hasegawa S., Usui T., Hasebe H., Miki A. and Zee D.S. Context-specific adaptation of pursuit initiation in humans. Investigative Ophthalmology, Visual Science 41: 3763-3769, 2000.
8. Takagi M., Zee D.S. and Tamargo R. Effect of lesions of the oculomotor vermis on eye movements in primate: smooth pursuit. Journal of Neurophysiology, 83: 2047-2062, 2000.
9. Miki A., Nakajima T., Takagi M., Hasebe H., Abe H. and Liu G.T.: Functional magnetic resonance imaging of visual cortex in patient with cerebrovascular insufficiency. Neuro-Ophthalmology 23: 83-88, 2000.
10. Ichise T., Kano M., Hashimoto K., Yanagihara D., Nakao K., Shigemoto R., Katsuki M. and Aiba A. mGluR1 in cerebellar Purkinje cells essential for long-term depression, synapse elimination, and motor coordination. Science 288: 1832-1835, 2000.
11. Nakashiba T., Ikeda T., Nishimura S., Tashiro K., Honjo T., Culotti J.G. and Itohara S. Netrin-G1: a novel GPI-linked mammalian netrin that is functionally divergent from classical netrins. Journal of Neuroscience 20: 6540-6550, 2000.
12. Fassa, T., Gomi, H., Sun, W., Ikeda, T., Itohara, S. Identification of variants and dual promoters of murine serine/threonine kinase KKIAMRE. Journal of Neurochemistry 74: 1809-1819, 2000.
13. Kitamura T, Nagao S, Kunimoto K, Shirama K, Yamada J. Cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of the parabrachial nucleus in the Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) with special reference to spinoparabarachial fiber terminals. Neuroscience Resarch 39: 95-108, 2001.