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Proceedings of The First International Conference on Systems Biology The 9th JST International Symposium
Vol. 1 (2000) p.239
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A cell-sorting model can explain cone mosaic pattern of medaka
Shusaku Tohya1), Atsushi Mochizuki1) and Yoh Iwasa1)
1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University
  In fish retina, four types of cone photoreceptor cells with different sensitive wavelength of the light (blue, UV, red and green) are arranged in regular pattern, called “cone mosaic”. A pair of small cones, one sensitive to red and the other sensitive to green is close in contact and forms a “double cone”. The development of cone mosaic has been studied by various experiental techniques, however a mechanism of formation of cone mosaic has not been identified yet. We study the mechanism of formation by analyzing models in which calls are arranged on the 2-dimensional surface, experience interaction between neighbors, and automatically form the regular pattern. We demonstrated that medaka mosaic pattern can neighbors at a rate affected by cell-cell adhesions.

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