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バイオインフォマティクス推進センター事業(BIRD) 第8回研究開発成果報告会 知識発見への挑戦 〜バイオインフォマティクスの飛躍に向けて〜 要旨集  4-9
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黒川 顕1)
1) 東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科

Microbes are essential for every part of life on Earth. Numerous microbes inhabit the biosphere, many of which are uncharacterized or uncultivable. They form a complex microbial community that deeply affects against surrounding environments. Metagenome analysis provides a radically new way of examining such complex microbial community without isolation or cultivation of individual bacterial community members. However, metagenome analysis is more complex than common genome analysis, because an analysis target is composed of enormous bacterial strains instead of a single strain. Here, to untangle the complexity of metagenome analysis procedure, we developed an integrated analysis system for metagenomics with metagenome database, visualizing tools for massive metagenomic data, Human Meta BodyMap, Body-BLAST, and also developed an analysis pipeline for metagenomics by integrating with all the developed tools.

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