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バイオインフォマティクス推進センター事業(BIRD) 第8回研究開発成果報告会 知識発見への挑戦 〜バイオインフォマティクスの飛躍に向けて〜 要旨集  16-21
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清水 謙多郎1)
1) 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科

Protein interactions play an important role in a number of biological activities. We are developing a system for predicting protein interactions in the following approaches: (1) Protein-protein interaction prediction and its network prediction, (2) Protein-protein interaction site prediction and protein-ligand binding site prediction, (3) Protein-protein docking, (4) Analysis of physical interactions between protein and other molecules. In the protein-protein docking, we developed a high-speed algorithm that uses a series expansion of basis functions which are combinations of spherical harmonics and radial base polynomials. By using the protein-protein docking and molecular simulation, we analyzed the interactions between components of Rieske non-heme iron oxygenase and revealed the correlation of binding surface properties and the electron transfer ability.

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