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Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering(JAFoE) Symposium 2005  pp.42-43
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Molecular Toxicology of Low-Level Exposure to Nerve Agents
Jennifer W. Sekowski1)
1) Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, U.S. Army
Abstract  This talk will provide an overview of the current state of molecular toxicology, highlighting some of the different problems that have driven the development of the research technologies being used today. Background on the unique questions regarding the possible consequences of low-level CWA exposure will also be presented. A discussion on how our laboratory is attempting to answer some of these questions will be punctuated with fundamental explanations of the technologies being used to collect and mine the data. Lastly, there will be a discussion of the many potential practical outcomes of this type of molecular toxicological investigation as well as the potential ethical and legal implications of the type of knowledge that may be gained from molecular toxicological investigations.
Keywords  Transcriptomics; DNA microarray; RT-PCR; Proteomics; 1-D and 2-D PAGE; LC-MS-MS

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