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Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering(JAFoE) Symposium 2005  pp.30
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Sustaining the Silicon Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities
Tsu-Jae King Liu1)
1) Synopsys, Inc.
Abstract  Advances in microfabrication technology have continually yielded improvements in semiconductor integrated-circuit (IC) performance (speed) and cost per function over the past several decades, to usher in the Information Age. Gains in performance will not be as straightforward to achieve as they had been in the past, however, because fundamental materials and process limits are rapidly being approached. This paper will give an overview of IC technology trends and describe approaches to enhancing the functionality and lowering the cost of electronic systems, to usher in the age of ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing. Opportunities for research will be described.
Keywords  Semiconductor; Transistor; Integrated circuit; CMOS; MEMS; Microfabrication

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