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平成13年度シンポジウム 分子複合系の構築と機能  43-43
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Electrochemical reduction of self-assembled monolayers of p-nitrothiophenol on Au(111)
Nikolay Goutev1), Masayuki Futamata2) and Toshimi Shimizu2)
1) JST
The IR absorption can be enhanced up to three orders of magnitude for species adsorbed on thin metal electrodes with island structure due to the excitation of the localized surface plasmon-polariton (LSPP). The decay length of the enhancement factor is only several nanometers since the electric field of the LSPP rapidly decays away from the metal surface. The prominent enhancement factor along with the unique spatial resolution makes the surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy a preferred method for detection of molecular monolayers or sub-monolayers on the metal electrode/electrolyte interface. The SEIRA spectroscopy is best utilized in combination with the attenuated total reflection (ATR) technique, as the signal from the bulk solution species is almost completely suppressed in this case. Therefore, we have been developing the promising ATR-SEIRA spectroscopy with the aim to elucidate the hydration of self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) electrodes and the specific adsorption of different solution species on them.

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