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平成13年度シンポジウム 分子複合系の構築と機能  36-36
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Color-tunable Circularly Polarized Photoluminescent Polyfluorenes by Modifying the Stereo-center in the Side Chains
Hong-Zhi Tang1), Michiya Fujiki1)2), Masao Motonaga1), Keiichi Torimitsu2) and Zhong-Biao Zhang1)2)
2) NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Spin-coated thin solid films of polyfluorenes (PFs 2S, 3S, and 3R) bearing chiral alkyl side chains on quartz substrates have been characterized using UV-visible, circular dichroism (CD), photoluminescence (PL) and circularly polarized photoluminescence (CPPL) spectroscopies. Significant changes were observed when the films were treated with thermal annealing in spectroscopies. The PFs give high dissymmetry factors in absorption and emission, and especially, the stereo-center in the side chains on helical PFs was demonstrated to tune the emissive color (blue from 2S or almost pure green from 3S and 3R) of the CPPL.

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