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第2回公開シンポジウム予稿集 「脳を創る」  34-34
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High-density neuronal recording from multiple cortical regions in the behaving primate during sequence learning and post-trial memory consolidation: a progress report
K.L. Hofffman1), B.L. McNaughton1), T. Ellmore1), F. Battaglia1), P. Lipa1)
1) アリゾナ大
In rodents, neural activity patterns which occur during a behavior tend to recur during subsequent periods of inactivity, even after accounting for similarities to activity patterns preceding behavior, suggesting memory traces of the experience are reactivated. It is not known whether a similar process occurs in primates. Extracellular recordings of groups of cells were made simultaneously in a monkey performing a repeated sequence of behaviors. Reactivation was assessed using the explained variance method (Kudrimoti et al., 1999) for each of the three behavioral epochs: pre-task rest (R1), task (T) and post-task rest (R2). A partial regression of the T and R2 correlations, given the R1 correlations, produced an Ev of between 10-20%, comparable to that seen in rats. These results suggest that in non-human primates, as in rats, patterns of neocortical neural activity expressed during an experience are reactivated following that experience. Such reactivation could contribute to the process of memory consolidation.

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