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第2回公開シンポジウム予稿集 「脳を創る」  20-20
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Speed Dependency of Apparent Motion Processing in Humans
Bakardjian H.1), Uchida A2) and T. Takeda3)
1) 理研
3) 東大·創域
Evoked changes in the latency and strength of three peak magnetic field components(M1, M2, M3) were studied for apparent motion stimuli at six different speeds. The peaks, obtained using a root mean square measure and across-wavelet measure, showed significant nonlinear increase in the magnitudes of all three peaks at higher stimulus velocities. Latencies did not vary substantially across speeds for peaks M1 and M3, but M2 exhibited a significant U-shaped trend with increasing velocity. These results might indicate that all three evoked components reflect motion-related activity, which is not limited to a single stage of the visual processing in the human brain.

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