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研究領域「脳を知る」のシンポジウム “脳神経科学の最先端2001”  11-11
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松元 健二1), 鈴木 航1), 田中 啓治1)2)
1) 理研脳センター認知機能表現研究チーム
To reveal the neural basis of behavioral decision, we examined cell activity in the lateral, medial, and orbital parts of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of monkeys (n=3) performing a visually cued GO/NO-GO task. We quantitatively analyzed visual, motor, and reward information represented along the trial. The reward information was primarily represented in the 3 parts of the PFC when the visual cue was presented. Then the motor information grew up toward the GO/NO-GO decision in the medial and lateral PFC while the reward information was maintained. These results suggest that the behavioral decision is made goal-directedly in PFC.

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