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研究領域「脳を知る」のシンポジウム “脳神経科学の最先端2001”  11-11
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杉原 忠1), S. Edelman2), 田中 啓治1)3)
1) 理研脳センター認知機能表現研究チーム
2) コーネル大·心理学
To understand neural mechanisms of viewpoint-invariant object recognition, we examined responses of monkey inferotemporal cells to images of objects seen from different views in an object recognition task. We found that some of the TE neurons showed the match/nonmatch modulation even when the sample and match were different views of the same animal-like objects. The result show that a group of TE cells can trace the identity of the objects across changes in viewpoints by the modulation of responses.

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