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研究領域「脳を知る」のシンポジウム “脳神経科学の最先端2001”  10-10
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Kang Cheng1), R.Allen Waggoner1), 田中 啓治1)2)
2) 理研脳センター認知機能表現研究チーム
We mapped ocular dominance columns (ODCs) in normal human subjects using high-field (4T) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with a segmented echo planar imaging technique and an in-plane resolution of 0.47×0.47 mm2. The differential responses to left- or right-eye stimulation could be reliably resolved in anatomically well-defined sections of V1. The orientation and width (about 1 mm) of mapped ODC stripes conformed to those previously revealed in postmortem brains stained with cytochrome oxidase. In addition, we showed that mapped ODC patterns could be largely reproduced in different experiments conducted within the same experimental session or over different sessions.

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