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Vol. 1 (2000) p.84
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5) 強磁場を用いた高分子材料のプロセッシング
木村 恒久1), 伊藤 栄子2)
1) 都立大
2) 科学技術事業団埼玉研究室
  Recent work of our group on magnetic processing of liquid crystalline polymers and crystalline polymers was presented, along with the prospects to the future study. The mechanism of magnetic alignment of a liquid crystalline polymer was described. Experimental and simulation studies indicated that the cooperative motion among domains plays an important role. This result is in good agreement with the Frank continuum theory. Magnetic alignment of crystalline polymers including poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), isotactic polypropylene (iPP), etc. was presented. The origin of the alignment was attributed to the ordered structures occurring during the very initial stage of crystallization (induction period).
magnetic alignment liquid crystalline polymer crystalline polymer

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