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平成13年度採択 課題 終了シンポジウム 予稿集  68-71
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*藤田 英輔1)
1) 独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所
Abstract:  We performed multi-phase flow simulations to understand the behavior of volcanic thermal fluids such as magma, hot water, and volcanic gases, comparing our research results to observational data, the real-time prediction system for influence on living environment was investigated. VTFS (volcanic thermal fluid simulation)-project focuses on some volcanic phenomena, related to volcanic thermal fluid dynamics, i.e., 1) volcanic crustal deformation and volcanic tremor, 2) lava flow and 3) eruption mechanism. The first theme is formulated by some kinds of two-phase flow instabilities. For the second theme, in VTFS project, the new lava flow simulation code “LavaSIM.” was developed. The third theme is investigated by the formulation of the de-pressurization of high-pressurized fluid. The results of our project are useful for protecting our lives and properties from the damege by volcanic activities.

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