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平成13年度採択 課題 終了シンポジウム 予稿集  63-67
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*纐纈 一起1)
1) 東京大学 地震研究所
Abstract:  We have developed a strong motion simulator for earthquake disaster prediction in the large cities of Japan. It consists of three modules that are the underground structure modeling module, the seismic wave propagation simulation module, and the web-based presentation module. The deep underground structures in the Kanto, Nobi and Osaka basins were built using the underground structure modeling module. The digital maps of geomorphological classifications and site amplification in these basins were also developed. The seismic wave propagation simulation module based on the parallelized voxel FEM can simulate seismic ground motions in a large-scale land and sea structure with surface topography. The statistical Green’s function method was introduced to include high-frequency components of strong ground motion. The webbased presentation module can register simulation results for various earthquakes and publish them through the Internet.

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